After the classical medicine could not offer much hope of our son Elisha’s relapse of his
brain cancer, we flew to California in search of cannabis.
Devorah saw some YouTube videos from a doctor in California who was advising
patients to eat raw the marijuana plant flowers. That way it wouldn’t have the
psychoactive effect. We also saw a video of a woman whose son was in a coma due to
the cancer and was given no hope. She went home and gave her son the juice from the
leaves through his feeding tube and he was cured. That was enough for us to make the
move to reject the hospitals suggestion and fly to California.
It was a rough flight getting to San Francisco and working to get where we needed to up
in Mendocino County. We finally meet with the doctor who was spinning with technical
terms way beyond my abilities to comprehend. Bottom line you need to juice the buds
and the oil.
Now we did have some CBD oil that someone sent to from California. It was not
psychoactive and we were working on giving it to him. We had some sort of protocol
then but still not concrete. Turns out what we really needed to do was give him the
potent stuff with the THC and titrate up. The stuff we had was flaccid. We didn’t know.
Thank G-d we managed to find a farm of some beautiful women who took us in and
adopted us. They made phone calls to all the growers they knew who would bring gifts
of marijuana buds daily. They were donating thousands of dollars’ worth and then
nicknamed our son with the name of “Hero.” He was a pioneer in the new research of
medical marijuana. These women who took us in were so nurturing and so full of love it
was hard to describe. Here we were in the midst of devastating crisis and we were so
cradled in the middle of the redwood forest. We pureed bud, stained it, and gave it to
him. He was doing well. Then we had to go back. We were out of funds at the time. I
have many regrets and although I have totally faith that this too was meant to be, I
regret leaving Mendocino.
But we must know deeply that it was all part of the plan. The women who took care of
us were willing to send us the frozen jars of juice from the leaf. They also made special
oil for Elisha with THC. She called them “Heroes Tears.” They later got into serious
trouble sending it out of state. Apparently, a box leaked at the post office and they foundthe oil inside. Their farm got closed down and they were persecuted severely. We wrote
letters stating about my sons plight and the women’s intention was only to heal my son,
but it only helped so much.
Cannabis was not available in the state we resided in. A potential cure was denied him
where we lived and we would have to uproot ourselves to another state to get it . For
that I launch my crusade. As I learned the real story for its prohibition I became more
ignited at such an outright wicked perversion of the truth.
Since Elisha’s passing I have investigated into the matter of medical marijuana and feel
that there has been a serious injustice. Now that there is so much research in the field, I
feel it’s my duty to do whatever I can to make this medicine be more available and
attempt to break the hypnotic spell the world has been under. To make a kosher item
would help bridge a lot of gaps. This is bedsides to be able to have it more available for
all the people who would like to know that their medicine adhere to a higher standard.
Even though Torah law sanctions non-kosher items on many situations of illness
nevertheless the world would feel more comfortable knowing there was no “other”
ingredients in their oils and edibles. Since I operate a professional respected kosher
organization I want to be available for manufacturers of cannabis products to become
kosher certified.